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41st Rumregatta Flensburg 2022
Regatta for traditional sailing ships, where it is important to become second!
Start of Rumregatta 2022

Regatta in the fjord

Sailing the Rumregatta

Sailing ships of the Rumregatta


Finish line

Weather with sun and rain

Sailed fast: "Pinni"

Colin Archer "Penguin Café"

Hajkutter "Bodil"

Hajkutter "Elsa Margrethe"
The sailing ships return. There are events again. We had to wait two years for it. Now the 41st Rumregatta took place in Flensburg, with everything what goes with it:
arrive, look, marvel, gossip, sing and listen to singers, sail around, meet friends, acquaintances and new shipmates.
This year we could not prove the good relations with the god of wind. He initially sent gusts of wind up to force 8. The feeder regatta off the Danish Sønderborg was
consequently cancelled. About 60 of the approximately 80 registered ships made it to Flensburg. On the Saturday of the regatta, still about 40 sailing ships dared at the start.
The wind eased throughout the day but safety comes first in the Rumregatta and saw reefed sails and very cautious crews!
There were some of the old friends. Thank goodness, or better thanks to the self-sacrificing care provided by the ship's operators and crews, they're having survived the lean
pandemic years and now hope for better times. How happy I was to see them on the water: "Bodil", "Ryvar", "Eye of the Wind", "Nobile",
"Albin Köbis", "Sampo", "Seestern" and the small but professionally their ships handling fleet from Holland "De Albertha", "Pegasus"
and "Stella Maris".
And new sailing ships, so for the first time at the Rumregatta?
The cutter "Elbe" coming from Arnhem/Oosterbeek had a long journey and had not yet been seen at the Rumregatta. Probably there for the first time too was
Colin Archer "Penguin Café". And the "Westenwind" schokker had been missing from the Rumregatta for more than 20 years and has now appeared again.
Regatta for small fishing boats
"Lüttfischer", so the small fishing boats without a deck are called at the Rumregatta. These are mostly replicas of former work boats used by fishermen on the Baltic Sea coast. Traditional handicrafts of the fishermen becomes experienceable during the regatta. It begins with a sailing course along the Flensburg harbour, although due to the wind the sailing was shortened this year. Then there is rowing and finally a finish with fishing of a "message in a bottle", which contains the own boat name. Later the bottle can be exchanged for a rum filling. There were torrential rain showers every half hour, but they couldn't spoil the fun for the participants.
Since the Flensburg Fjord Regatta had to be cancelled, I finally had some time to watch the hustle and bustle of the Lüttfischer boats. "Tradition is not the worship of the ashes,
but the passing on of the fire." It's great that the Lüttfischer tradition is being preserved at the Rumregatta and is apparently being carried by younger shoulders. By the way, the
boat with the furthest journey to the Lüttfischerregatta was the "Knipdul" from Poland, has been there several times and has also been spoiled by success in sailing.
Despite the adverse weather conditions, no ships were damaged or any of the sailors were injured during the regatta. The "Guardian Angel Prize" havn't been awarded at the famous
awards ceremony this year. This is a great result, for which I, as a regatta observer, can only say thank you to everybody. The motto: "Better safe and second than broken!" was
implemented. But because in the end one of the sailing ships in each class had to cross the finish line first, there was the usual good mood at the award ceremony. But then I was already
on the train on my way home. My job forced me to leave in a hurry. I missed a lot, such as the mooring beer with the regatta management (thanks to the "A"-team, the crew of the
tugboat "Flensburg" and our "Gesine"), the "coffee in the morning with a lot of time" in the museum shipyard and the blasting of the ship's typhoon to say
goodbye when leaving the port.
Historical port of Flensburg
Organisation of the Rumregatta and other maritime eventsThe Rumregatta used to be organised solely by the Museum habour of Flensburg. The Historic Port of Flensburg is now taking over. Various maritime associations and organisations have come together under the umbrella of the Historical port of Flensburg, including the Museum harbor with former professional sailing ships. You can see them above all on the bulwark with the replica of the wooden "crane from 1726" in front of the Museum shipyard. Sailing boats and work boats are restored at the shipyard and new ones are built based on historical models. The shipyard is open to visitors and operates a small café.
Whoever stops by here should not miss a look at the dinghy collection of the Museum harbor. There is often a lot of hustle and bustle, not only during the Rumregatta. Younger sailors in particular spend their free time here. The so-called Lüttfischerhafen hosts the Regatta for small fishing boats on the Friday before the Rumregatta.
The Flensburg Warehouses also belong to the Historical port of Flensburg. The houses were formerly used as storage for shiploads. If you continue from north to south in the direction of habour end, you will also pass the Flensburg Maritime Museum. Flensburg's maritime history is told here shown with paintings, ship and city models, navigational instruments and tools. Interested visitors can find out where the cane sugar comes from in turn, the rum is produced for which Flensburg became famous.
The path along the quay leads to the Historical Guest Harbor, to the steamer collection, the berth of the passenger steamer "Alexandra", of the motor barge "Gesine" and the former harbor tug "Flensburg".
The organisations in the Historical port of Flensburg ensure the wonderful atmosphere at the Rumregatta and they restore and maintain sailing ships, steamships and diesel ships, which they present at many small and large maritime events.