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Abbi Absalon Adelante Adler von Krautsand Adriane AE7-Stadt Emden Aenna te Gondern Akka Al Adida Albatros Albatros Albatross Albin Köbis Alexa Alexander von Humboldt Alexander von Humboldt II Alfred Aliado Alte Liebe Alvekongen Amazone Amoy Amphitrite Ana Anabel Anemor Angela von Barssel Anna Anna Anna Catharina Anna von Brunsbüttel Anna von der Lühe Anna-Lisa von Wischhafen Anna-Luisa Annemarie Anthea Antigua Apolonia Arkona Arny Maud Arved Arvon Askania Astarte HF 244 Atair II Atalanta Atlantic Atlantik August Ipsen Auriga Aurora von Altona Baldur Balemena Balu Beeke Sellmer Belle Amie Bellis Beluga II Beowulf Berliner Bär Berta Betty Betty CK145 Bialy Kon Biber 3 Bjørnsund Blume Bodil Bonsai Buttpedder Canta Libre Carl Fischer Carmelan Carol Catarina ALT 287 Catharina Cementesse Charlotte Christel Christian Müther Clara Colina Concordia Condor Conziska Crangon Dagmar Aaen Dagny Dana De Drie Gebroeders De Liefde De Lütte Ole De Oldhäger AHR14 Delphin Den Ruyghenhil Die Freundschaft Die Seven Seelanden Die Veränderung Die Zwillinge Dione Donar Dora av Raa Doris von Ochtum Downtown Dr. Bellmer III Duenna Dziki Kon Ebenhaezer Eka II Elfriede Elida Elinor Elisabeth van Emerik Elise Ella Ella Ellen Ellida Else af Sletten Emanuel Encarnacion Enchantress II Engelina Erik Styrimathr Erna Erna Becker HF 348 Ernestine Esprit Ethel von Brixham Etta von Blankenese Fahrewohl von Büsum S.H.5342 Fair Dawn Falado von Rhodos Fiasko Flinthörn Flotte Lotte Foftein Forelle von Kollmar Fortuna Fortuna Franzius Freddy Frederike von Altona Freedom Freja Freya von den sieben Inseln Fridthjof Frieda Frieda von Hadersleben Friedrich Friesland Fritiden Fritz Lexow Froule Cornelia Fulvia af Anholt FZ1 Old Lady FZ10 Tina FZ104 Bernstein FZ105 Moni FZ106 Aalfred FZ107 Katharina FZ108 Vorwärts FZ11 Butt FZ110 Fortuna FZ111 Lisette FZ12 Ghost FZ14 Hanne Nüte FZ15 Der dicke Beerbel FZ16 Blondine FZ17 Lütte FZ18 Gisela FZ19 Dwarslöper FZ2 Windsbraut FZ21 Johanna FZ22 Rümdriewer FZ23 Stella FZ24 Christine FZ25 Gertrud FZ26 Holl Dörch FZ27 Orje FZ28 Wodan FZ3 Störtebeker FZ30 Holzerland FZ31 Swantewit FZ32 Grete FZ33 Sannert FZ37 Krischan FZ38 Inge FZ4 Bill FZ40 Hoffnung FZ41 Seriola FZ42 Sunddriewer FZ44 Anna FZ46 Emilie FZ48 Annegret FZ49 Astrild FZ5 Borsgrieper FZ51 Polar FZ52 Marie-Luise FZ54 Romantik FZ55 De Kamper FZ56 Möwe FZ58 Recknitz FZ59 Pommerland FZ6 Schwart Johann FZ60 Sophia-Theresa FZ61 Arkona FZ64 Schmuggler FZ65 Nordischer Löwe FZ66 Charlotte FZ67 Stine FZ68 Martha FZ69 Klara FZ70 Hanna FZ71 Sybille FZ72 Vitura FZ73 Un Ick FZ74 Dorothea FZ75 Marie FZ79 Eiken Hans FZ8 Heimat FZ82 Oma Else FZ83 Frieda FZ84 Paula FZ85 Raun FZ86 Godewind FZ87 Irmchen FZ89 Rerik FZ9 Nordstern FZ90 Adele FZ91 De Meckelbörger FZ92 Traudi FZ95 Traudi2 FZ96 Herta FZ97 Tyoma FZ99 Lütt Hanning Galatea von Buxtehude Galathea Gårdar Gefion Gefion Germania Gesine von Papenburg Glauke Gloria Good Intent II Gorch Fock (1) Gorch Fock (2) Gotland Graf Luckner Greif Greif von Ueckermünde Greta Greta HF452 Grete Fri28 Grönland Großherzogin Elisabeth Hanna Hanne Munk Hanne-Marie Hans von Wilster Hanse-Kogge Hansine Harm Hedi HF482 Hedwig Maria Heinrich Helene Helene von Maasholm Helgoland Henny Henriette Hermine Hilding Hoffnung Hollander Homo Faber Hoop op Welvaart Ingorata Irme Isabella Isamar Jachara James Caird II Jana Jane Jane II Jankea Johann Smidt Johanna Johanna Maria Johanna von Amrum Johanna von Oevelgönne Johanne Jonas von Friedrichstadt Jota Juliana Kaper Kaperen Karoline of Kirkwall Kathrin Katurah Kenilu Klaus Störtebecker III Kleiner Kerl Kong Bele Königin Wilhelmina Koralle Korsar Kräfta Kramputz Krik Vig Krista Rud Kronprinzessin Ute Kurt Hahn La Boheme AB-A140 La Marie Chantal Landrath Küster HF 231 Lene Lifjorden Lille Bjørn Lille Nor Lilleholm Lisa Lisa von Lübeck Louisenlund II Lovis Luise Maja Maranatha Margaretha BÜS39 Mariarosa Marie Marie Marinus Martha HF427 Mavrodaphne C88 Maya Melpomene Merlin Mildred Mim Minna Roeder Moewe Monsun Mor Danmark Möwe Mytilus Nell Britt Nellie & Leslie BN27 Ninive No. 5 Elbe Nobile Nora von Bremerhaven Norden Nordlys Nordlyset II Nordstern Nordstjernen Nordwind Nordwind Y834 Oderik von Oederquart Okseø Olav Trygvason Olga von Skagen Olifant Oline Oliver Oll Karl Omi Alma Onkel Ernst Oster Pacific Pamir Panele Pantagruel Passat Patria Paul-Henrik Peking Penguin Penguin Cafe Perun Petania Peter von Danzig II Peter von Seestermühe Petrel Petrine Phoenix Pippilotta Pirola Platessa Plune Präsident Freiherr von Maltzahn Preußischer Adler Providentia HF42 PRU7 Paula Qualle Rabe Ragna Rakel Raptus Rarotonga Regina Regina Germania Renate Rickmer Rickmers Rid Rigmor Rikke Ringholm Roald Amundsen Robinson Roland von Bremen Roland von Bremen Rollo Ronja Rosinante Rotter de Vries Royal Louise Ruden Rum-Hart Ruth Ryvar Sabia Sæløer Sajama Sampo Santa Barbara Anna Santa Mishell Sawa Schildkröte Schloss Plön Schulschiff Deutschland Scyld Seestern Seewolf Setzleif Seute Deern Seute Deern II Sigandor Sigyn Sionnachan Sirius Skidbladnir Skua Skythia Smilla Smørrebrødt Solglimt Solvang Sørlandet II Søstjernen Spiekeroog II Spökenkieker Stahlratte Star of Hope Stella Stjernen RU101 Sturmvogel Sturmvogel Suleyken Svea Swantje Swatte Boot Symbiose Tangaroa Tejsten Theepot Thetis von Laboe Thor Thor Heyerdahl Thordis Tigaiga Timpe Te Tita To Svaner Tordalk Tuula Ubena von Bremen Ucra Undine Uns Ewer Uns Hedwig Ursus Vaar Vadder Gerrit II Vanadis Vega Vegesack BV2 Vera af Fåborg Vera Mary Verandering Vertrouwen Vestby Victor Jara Victoria Vidar Viking Vineta Vivika Vorpommern Vrouw Trijntje Vrouwe Fortuna Vrouwe Maatje Walvis Wappen von Ihlow Wappen von Ueckermünde Westenwind Whydah of Bristol Widder Wiebke Bohlen Wiking Wilhelmine Willow Wren Windsbraut Wissemara Ysabel Zeehond Zuversicht
Alfhild Älva Alvina Amalia Anna af Westerbroek Anne-Mon Ariel Astrid af Timmernabben Astrid Finne Atene Atlantica Benita Bishop’s Horizon Blackbeard's Nancy Bondevennen Britta Christine af Bro Constantia Deodar Ellen Elmy Emma Falken Gerda Gefle Gjöa Gladan Godnok Götheborg Gratia Gratitude Gretel Gretel Gunhild af Lidingö Gunilla Hamlet Helene Hiorten Hoppet av Brantevik Hoppet Saltvik Hulda Hvitfeldt Ingo Isobel Rose Jacqueline Jarramas Jens-Kristian Jonny Jylland Kvartsita Libelle Stockholm Linnéa Lova Mathilda af Mollösund Mina Myra Nanny Nina Noord Friesland Norem Riande Ricktor Sarpen Shamrock Sir William Archibald Speranza Sunbeam Svanen Tolly Tove Tre Hjärtan Tre Kronor af Stockholm Twekamp af Elbogen Valkyrien Vänervik Vertrouwen Viking Westkust Westvind af Göteborg
Aagtje Abel Tasman Abel Tasman Actief Adriana Aegir Albatros Albatros Albert Johannes Aldebaran Alida Ambiance Ambulant Amicitia Amore Vici Amsterdam Anna Trijntje Anne-Margaretha Antigua Antonia Aphrodite Artemis Arthur van Schendel Astrid Atlantis Avanti Avontuur Avontuur Balder Banjaard Batavia Beantra Birgitte Boekanier Bollevaer Bonte Piet Bontekoe Bør Boreas Bornrif Brandaen Brave Hendrik Bree Sant Broedertrouw Catherina Charlotte Rhodes Chateauroux Confiance Cor.13:13 Dageraad De Albertha De Eenhorn De Goede Verwachting De Hoge Wier De Liefde De Steenbok VB117 De Zeven Wouden De zwarte Wouw Eems No.1 Eendracht II Eensgezindheid Egberdina Elbe Eldorado Elegant Elizabeth Emma Europa Eva Kristina Falcon Flierefluiter Flying Dutchman Fortuna Frans Horjus Frisius van Adel Gaia Gouwzee Gratitude Grethe Witting Grootvorst Grote Beer Gulden Leeuw Hartstocht Hendrika Hendrika Bartelds Het Leven Hoop doet Leven Hoop op Zegen Horizon Ide Min Ideaal Iris Iselmar Isis J.R.Tolkien Jantje Jeppe van Schier Johanna Engelina Josina Elisabeth Kaat Mossel Kamper Hanze Kogge Klipper Anna Koh-i-Noor Korevaer La Bohème Labor Sanitas Larus Lauwerszee LE196 Grote Jager Loth Loriën Lotos Lotus Luciana Lutgerdina Lytse Hylke Manna Mare Frisium Margot Maria Elisabeth Marie Galante Mars Maxima Meander Mercurius Meridiaan Minerva Mon Désir Mondriaan Morgana Morgenster Najade Neerlandia Nicolaas Mulerius Nil Desperandum Nirwana Noorderlicht Noorderlicht Noordvaarder Novel Oban Ocean Sherpa Onderneming Onrust Oosterschelde Oostvogel Ortolan Overwinning Pacific Swift Panta Rhei Passaat Passaat Pedro Doncker Pegasus Pelikaan Pelikaan Poolster Poseidon Pride of Mother Sea Radboud Rainbow Warrior Rea-Klif Regina Maris Rembrandt van Rijn Risico Rival Rode Swan Saeftinghe Safier Samenwerking Sea Pearl Silver Spray Sir Robert Baden Powell Skylge Spes Mea Stad Amsterdam Stedemaeght Stella Maris Store Baelt Stortemelk Strijd Suydersee Swaensborgh Tecla Teuntje Thalassa Tijdgeest Toftevaag Tradewind Twee Gezusters Twister Urania Utopia Verandering Victoria-S Vliegende Draeck Vliegende Hollander Voorwaarts Vriendentrouw Waecksaemheit Weer en Wind Weisse Düne Wilhelmina Willem Barentsz Witte Swaen Witte Walrus Woeste Willem Wylde Swan Wylde Wytse Zeemeeuw Zeeroos Zeester Zephyr Zuiderzee Zuiderzee Zuid-Holland Zwadde Zwarte Valk
Activ Adelaar Adix Aeolus Agnes Alberta CK318 Alexander T Alte Liebe Amelie Rose America Annabel J Anny of Charlestown Aquila Marina Ardwina Argo Baboon Barnabas SS634 Bessie Ellen Betula Bona LO178 Cariad Carrie of Camaret Centaur Chloe May Courage Creole Cutty Sark Dark Horse Donna Capel Duet Earl of Pembroke Edith Gray Edme El Boughaz I Ellen CK222 Emeline F14 Eve of St Mawes Excelsior Eye of the Wind Ezra Fantome III Florette Floryn Fly MN17 Francesco Petrarca Freja Fridtjof Nansen Galene Giddy-up Gladys Golden Hinde Golden Vanity Good Intent LO136 Gracie CK46 Grayhound Guide Me Guiding Star Harriet Blanche CK9 Hartlepool Renaissance Helga Hesper HMS Trincomalee HMS Unicorn HMS Victory HMS Warrior Hoshi Irene Iris Mary CK105 Jean de la Lune Johanna Lucretia Jolie Brise Kathleen & May Katrine Keewaydin Kenya Jacaranda Lady Daphne Lady of Avenel Lassie of Chester Leader Leila Lizzie Annie MN23 Lizzie May Lord Nelson Malcolm Miller Marabu Marco Polo Marguerite T Maria Asumpta Marian Marie-Claude PSM1 Marigold MN119 Marjorie Marques Mary Amelia MN59 Mary CK252 Mayfly CK363 Moonbeam Morning Star Morwenna Ocean Pride PZ134 Ocean Star Our Boy Our Boys CK92 Our Daddy Peggy Peggy H Pelican of London Pilgrim of Brixham BM45 Pioneer CK18 Primrose CK273 Prolific Provident Pudge Queen Galadriel Reliance FY59 Repertor Return of Marco Polo Rights of Man Ripple SS19 Royalist Ruach Ruth Saxonia LO32 Shenandoah Sir Winston Churchill Søren Larsen Spirit of Chemainus Stavros S Niarchos Stina Sunbeam CK328 Tangaroa Tärnan Tenacious Trinovante Unicorn Veracity Vigilance of Brixham Vilma William MN15 Wyvenhoe Xylonite Yankee Trader Yseult PSM2 Zamoura Zebu
Alliance Alvilde Amrit af Præstø Anita Anna Anna Elise Anna Møller Anne Mari Aron Bolette Bonavista Brita Leth Broagerland Carene Star Charlotte af Ballen Christina Connie Constance D' Olly Danmark De To Søstre Den Store Bjørn Donkey Donna Wood Ebba Aaen Ejno Elfrida Elinor Elsa Margrethe Emanuel af Nakskov Enhjørningen Erik Faarup Fauna Fejbattingen Flatø Fortuna Fortuna Freia Freja Byrding Frigg Frillen Fulton Fylla Gasen Gefion Georg Stage Grimsø Grønne Erna E117 Halmø Harald Havet Havgassen Hawila Helene Herborg Hjalm Isefjord Jasmin Jens Krogh Jensine Johanne Jumfrun Karen Kid Kirstine Kivioq Klitta Lea Lilla Dan Livet Loa Lone Louise Maagen Maja Marcus Noer Marie Marilyn Anne Martha Mejsen Meta Mette Marie Mira Mjølner Muller Olga Ottar Als Palnatoke Peter Most Samhald Sebbe Als Silvermoon Skibet Skibladner II Skjold Skonnerten Jylland Skuld Sleipner Solvang Søvang SB1 Spray II Styrvolt Svalen H226 Svanen Svartlöga Sydkorset Thor Thyra Thyra Tjur Tora II Utopia Valkyrien Valkyrien Viggoline Viking Viktoria W. Klitgaard Yukon Zar
Adella Anna af Sand Anna Rogde Anne Margrethe Blåmann Boy Leslie Brødrene af Sand Christian Radich Christiania Colin Archer Dyrafield Fram Frøia Goxsheim Havnoy Helena Johanna Jomfruen Langesund Liv Loyal Maria af von Hoff Marieto Mathilde Mohawk II Nortun AE87 Pauline Sandefjord Sørlandet Statsraad Lehmkuhl Svanen Svanhild Thærie Wiigen Valentine Vega Wyvern Wyvern af Aalesund
A. J. Meerwald Adventure Adventuress Alabama Alcyone Alexandria Alliance Alma America American Pride American Rover Angelique Aquidneck Bagheera Bailey Louise Todd Balclutha Barba Negra Bill of Rights Black Pearl Bonnie Lynn Bounty II Bowdoin C.A.Thayer Californian Centurion Charles W. Morgan Clearwater Clipper City Corwith Cramer Denis Sullivan Eagle Elissa Ernestina Exy Johnson Falls of Clyde Farewell Formidable Fri Friends Good Will Gazela of Philadelphia Governor Stone Grace Bailey Grand Nellie H.M. Krentz Half Moon Harvey Gamage Hawaiian Chieftain Highlander Sea Hindu HMS Surprise Irving Johnson Joseph Conrad Kaisei Kalmar Nyckel Klang II L.A.Dunton Lady Maryland Lady Washington Lavengro Lettie G. Howard Lioness Lynx Madeline Mary Day Mercantile Minnie V. Mistress Moshulu Niagara Norfolk Pioneer Poincare Pride of Baltimore II Providence Rebecca T. Ruark Regina Maris Robert C. Seamans Roseway Seaward Serenity Shenandoah Sigsbee Spike Africa Spirit of Dana Point Star of India Stephen Taber Swift of Ipswich Thomas E. Lannon Tole Mour Unicorn USS Constellation USS Constitution Victory Chimes Virginia Wavertree Western Union Westward Windy Wolf Young America Zodiac
Artemis Black Jack Bluenose II Challenge Ecomaris Fair Jeanne HMS Bee HMS Tecumseth Kajama Mist of Avalon Nonsuch North Star of Herschel Island Pacific Grace Pacific Swift Pathfinder Playfair Providence Robertson II Silva St. Lawrence II Thaleia
Antica Ark Baltic Beauty Baltic Star Bonawentura Bryza H Dar Mlodziezy Dar Pomorza Fryderyk Chopin General Zaruski Iskra II Kapitan Borchardt Kapitan Glowacki Knipdul Lütt Deern Lynert Olander Pogoria Zawisza Czarny II
Albanus Amazone Anny von Hamburg Astrid Estelle Helena Inga-Lill Ingrid Joanna Saturna Linden Lokki Nordboen Pommern Sigyn Suomen Joutsen Svanhild af Borgå Valborg Vivan
Courier Kronwerk Kruzenshtern Mir Nadezhda Pallada Pickle Rossiya Sedov Shtandart Sviatitel Nikolai Sviatitel Petr Yunyj Baltiets
Albarquel Alliance Amzer'zo André-Yvette Anemone BR6899 Ar Jentilez PL92 Aragorn Arawak Ausquémé Babar Barr Awel LA92 Bel Espoir II Belem Belle de Vilaine Belle Étoile Belle Germaine BR7083 Belle Poule Belote et Re Bergère de Domrémy BR5929 Bételgeuse Biche Billie Charlotte Boréale Cap Sizun Cardinal Charles-Marie Coppelia Corbeau des Mers AY1684 Corentin Courrier des Iles Crialeïs Croix du Sud III Dalh Mad BR787018 Dehel Dizro Mad BR267540 Dourduff Duchesse Anne Enez Glaz GVD65654 Enez Koalen Escarmouche Étoile Etoile de France Étoile du Roy Étoile Molène Eulalie Fée de l'Aulne Feu Follet Fleur de Lampaul Fleur de Mai Fleur de Passion Fleur des Ondes François Monique BR5818 Général Leclerc BR6768 Girl Joyce H11 Immaculée Conception BR267542 Indomptable AY267507 Jean et Jeanne Jean Moulin AU2022 Jeune Ariane Joli Vent Joséphine D21 Korriganez Krog e Barz Kurun L' Émigrant La Barbinasse GV13569 La Belle Angèle La Belle-Îloise BI634 La Boudeuse La Cancalaise La Grande Hermine La Granvillaise La Licorne La Louisette AU162605 La Malouine La Mouette BR6104 La Nébuleuse La Pauline de Dahouët SB737 La Recouvrance La Reine des Flots La Valbelle BR156970 Lady-Maud L'Angélus CM267549 Le Français Le Grand Léjon Le Jouet des Flots Le Korrigan LO117536 Le Renard Le Rigel Leier Eussa Les Trois Frères Les Trois Frères L'Espérance Loch Monna BR267586 Lola of Skagen Lys Noir Ma Préférée Mab er Guip Marche-Avec CC1645 Maria-Dorothea Marie-Claudine Marie-Fernand Mari-Lizig 1678BR Marité Martine BR267931 Martroger III Morgatois CM231625 Mutin Neire Mâove Notre Dame de Bequerel Notre Dame des Flots Notre-Dame de Rumengol Pen Duick Phoenix Popoff Rara Avis Reder Mor Reine de la Mer Rose of Argyll Rouanez ar Peoc’h BR6953 Saint Guénolé BR6773 Saint Michel II Sainte-Jeanne Sant C'hireg PL6488210 Sant Sten AY244013 Sassaroz VA272937 Sav Heol BR267625 Seagull Seiz Avel Skeaf Skellig Strand-Hugg Tante Fine Telenn Mor Tout va Bien AY181534 Treas 267522MX Unity of Lynn Vieux Copain
Alma Doepel City of Adelaide Enterprize HM Bark Endeavour James Craig Lady Nelson Leeuwin II One and All Solway Lass South Passage Southern Swan Spirit of the Pacific Windeward Bound Young Endeavour
Boa Esperança Creoula D. Fernando II e Gloria Leão Holandês Príncipe Perfeito Sagres II Santa Maria Manuela
Adornate Aglaia Alvei Anak Nusantara Äran 1903 Arung Samudera Aschanti IV of Vegesack Asgard II Belle Blonde Bima Suci Black Swan Blue Clipper Blue Sirius Bounty III Brabander Brigantes Buona Onda Cala Millor Capitan Miranda Cervantes Saavedra Circe Cisne Branco Concordia Cuauhtémoc De Gallant Dewaruci Dragin Druzhba Dunbrody Edwin Fox El Galeón Elena Maria Barbara Esmeralda Eugenios Eugenidis Fantasy Far Barcelona Flying Cloud Gloria Grace O'Malley Guayas Hardiesse Haukur HiiuIngel Hildur Ilen Imera Jacob Meindert Jadran Jane Jeanie Johnston Jenny Kruse Jim Morgan Johann Ehlers Jonge Jan Juan Sebastian de Elcano Kaiwo Maru I Kaiwo Maru II Kajsamoor Kaliakra Katharina Khersones La Grace La Vaudoise La Violante L'Aurore VS10 Le Verseau Leenan Head Legacy Lendário Libertad Lili Marleen Lille Bjørn Luna Moon Mandalay Mary-Anne II Mauritius Maybe Mercator Midsummer Miraie Mircea Nele Niña Nippon Maru I Nippon Maru II Norda Nordlys October Opal Pascual Flores Peel Castle PZ17 Phoenix Picton Castle Polynesia II R. Tucker Thompson Rah Naward Royal Albatross Royal Clipper Runbjarn Rupel Sadko Saltillo Samyrah Santa Eulàlia Sea Cloud Sea Cloud II Sea Safari III Shabab Oman Shabab Oman II Simon Bolivar Sir Francis Drake Spirit of New Zealand Star Clipper Star Flyer Sunthorice Talofa Tarangini Thomas McDonagh Thö-pa-ga Tocorimé Tres Hombres Tunas Samudera Unión Valhalla Vega Xarifa Yankee Clipper Zenobe Gramme
Big and small sailing ships
Striving for superlatives is elementary fun. Superlatives are asked in the field of sailing ships too. The point is to get attention, to find and get sailing guests on board,
to get the daily press writing articles about a sailing ship at the different maritime events and in addition to boast at the regulars' tables. Superlatives are good for a status symbol
when you think on the owners of sailing yachts.
But the core of the question for superlatives is also astonishment: What we have all over the world! Large sailing ships, small sailing ships, the oldest windjammers,
the fastest tall ships or even the largest national flag on the stern of the ship. Every sailing ship has a superlative to offer, because there are many criteria
for comparing sailing ships with one another. Not all superlatives are so clearly visible. Some are hidden and so I would like to invite you to look for them in this
collection of data about sailing ships.

Flag of the bark Cuauhtémoc
What is the name of the biggest sailing ship?
If you take the length over all as criterion, the mega yacht "SY A" is considered the largest sailing ship in the world. But purists immediately claim
with their doubt whether a sailing ship that is not only moved by wind power can even be considered in this category.
The HMS Warrior, a fully-rigged ship, is one of the largest
sailing ships recorded in this data collection. It was built in 1860 and was the first ocean-going Ironclad with an iron hull. But in addition to the sails, it has
a powerful steam engine too. The "HMS Warrior" was intended to underpin the supremacy over the world's seas by the British Royal Navy. The sailing and steamship is
still preserved today and is moored as a museum ship in Portsmouth.
The Royal Clipper is another sailing ship in this data collection,
which holds the record in the categories length of ship, sailing area and number of masts. She is a cruise ship under sails and with the 5 masts she remembers to the legendary "Preußen".
Her length but also the age of the 4-masted bark Moshulu are possibly record-breaking.
Formerly built for the transport of saltpeter, coal and grain and used as a storage ship in ports for a long time, it is now a museum in Philadelphia and houses a restaurant.
The big Russian sail training ships are an attraction at every sailing event, the 4-masted bark Sedov
and the former Flying P-Liner Kruzenshtern.
They are still sailing today. More contemporary witnesses of the era when the sailing ships of the Hamburg shipping company F. Laeisz, famous for their speed and safety,
were among the queens of the seas, are the Passat, the
Peking and the
Pommern, which are now preserved as museum ships.
What is the name of the smallest sailing ship?
The smallest sailboats recorded in this data collection are the "Flotte Lotte", the "Kronprinzessin Ute" and the "Bonsai".