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 A. J. Meerwald  Abel Tasman  Adelaar  Adix  Adventure  Adventuress  Alabama  Albert Johannes  Alcyone  Alliance  Alliance  Alma  Älva  Amazone  Ambiance  America  America  American Pride  American Rover  Amphitrite  Anak Nusantara  Anna Rogde  Anny von Hamburg  Antonia  Aquidneck  Äran 1903  Aron  Arung Samudera  Astrid af Timmernabben  Atalanta  Atene  Bailey Louise Todd  Bill of Rights  Black Swan  Blackbeard's Nancy  Blue Clipper  Blue Sirius  Bluenose II  Bonavista  Bowdoin  Brita Leth  C.A.Thayer  Capitan Miranda  Cardinal  Carrie of Camaret  Catherina  Cementesse  Christiania  Clara  Constantia  Creoula  Croce del Sud  De Gallant  Den Store Bjørn  Denis Sullivan  Eendracht II  Eldorado  Elinor  Elizabeth  Ellen  Ellida  Emma  Enchantress II  Ernestina  Escarmouche  Esprit  Estelle  Falken  Fantasy  Far Barcelona  Farewell  Floryn  Freedom  Freia  Frisius van Adel  Frøia  Fulton  Fylla  Galathea  Germania  Gladan  Gotland  Governor Stone  Grace Bailey  Grand Nellie  Gretel  Grootvorst  Großherzogin Elisabeth  Grote Beer  Halmø  Hamlet  Harvey Gamage  Haukur  Helena  Helene  Helene von Maasholm  Highlander Sea  HiiuIngel  Hildur  Hindu  HMS Bee  Hollander  Hoshi  Hulda  Ide Min  Imera  Inga-Lill  Ingo  Isefjord  Jachara  Joanna Saturna  Johann Ehlers  Johann Smidt  Johanne  Jomfruen  Jonny  Kajama  Kapitan Borchardt  Katharina  Krik Vig  L.A.Dunton  La Marie Chantal  La Violante  Lady Maryland  Lavengro  Leão Holandês  Lendário  Lettie G. Howard  Linden  Linnéa  Livet  Lokki  Luciana  Madeline  Malcolm Miller  Maria Elisabeth  Mariarosa  Marie Galante  Marilyn Anne  Mars  Martha  Mary Day  Mathilda af Mollösund  Mercantile  Meta  Midsummer  Mina  Minerva  Mira  Mist of Avalon  Mistress  Morgana  Neire Mâove  Nil Desperandum  Nina  No. 5 Elbe  Noorderlicht  Noorderlicht  Nordboen  Nordlyset II  Nordwind  Ocean Star  Oostvogel  Opal  Pacific  Pacific Grace  Pascual Flores  Passaat  Phoenix  Phoenix  Pioneer  Pippilotta  Preußischer Adler  Radboud  Rainbow Warrior  Rara Avis  Regina Maris  Rembrandt van Rijn  Return of Marco Polo  Robertson II  Roseway  Ruach  Ruden  Rupel  Samyrah  Santa Eulàlia  Santa Maria Manuela  Sea Pearl  Sea Safari III  Serenity  Shenandoah  Silva  Silver Spray  Sir Francis Drake  Skythia  Solvang  South Passage  Spike Africa  Spirit of Dana Point  Stahlratte  Stephen Taber  Stina  Store Baelt  Stortemelk  Sunthorice  Svanen  Sydkorset  Tärnan  Te Vega  Thaleia  Thomas E. Lannon  Thomas McDonagh  Thö-pa-ga  Tocorimé  Tre Hjärtan  Trinovante  Twister  Undine  Vanadis  Vänervik  Vega  Vera Mary  Victor Jara  Victory Chimes  Vidar  Virginia  Vorpommern  Waecksaemheit  Western Union  Westkust  Whydah of Bristol  Windy  Xarifa  Young America  Yunyj Baltiets  Zephyr  Zodiac  Zuiderzee  Zuversicht

 Aagtje  Actief  Adella  Adler von Krautsand  Adriana  AE7-Stadt Emden  Aegir  Aglaia  Albanus  Albarquel  Albatros  Albatros  Albin Köbis  Aldebaran  Alexa  Alfhild  Alfred  Alida  Alte Liebe  Alvekongen  Alvilde  Amalia  Amazone  Ambulant  Amicitia  Amoy  Angelique  Anna  Anna Catharina  Anna Elise  Anna Møller  Anna Trijntje  Anna-Lisa von Wischhafen  Anne Margrethe  Anne-Margaretha  Anne-Mon  Antigua  Arawak  Ariel  Ark  Arkona  Arthur van Schendel  Astarte HF 244  Astrid  Astrid Finne  Atair II  Atlantic  Atlantica  Atlantik  August Ipsen  Avanti  Avontuur  Beantra  Belle Amie  Belle Étoile  Bellis  Beluga II  Benita  Beowulf  Berta  Bessie Ellen  Birgitte  Bjørnsund  Blåmann  Bodil  Boekanier  Bondevennen  Bontekoe  Bør  Boréale  Boy Leslie  Bree Sant  Britta  Broedertrouw  Bryza H  Buttpedder  Carmelan  Carol  Catarina ALT 287  Charles-Marie  Chateauroux  Christina  Circe  Colin Archer  Concordia  Constance  Conziska  Cor.13:13  Courage  Dageraad  Dagny  De Eenhorn  De Zeven Wouden  De zwarte Wouw  Deodar  Die Veränderung  Dione  Donna Capel  Donna Wood  Downtown  Dragin  Dyrafield  Ebba Aaen  Ecomaris  Eems No.1  Eensgezindheid  Elegant  Elida  Elinor  Elmy  Elsa Margrethe  Emma  Encarnacion  Erik Faarup  Erna Becker HF 348  Étoile Molène  Eva Kristina  Excelsior  Fejbattingen  Flatø  Fleur de Lampaul  Fleur de Passion  Flinthörn  Fortuna  Fortuna  Fortuna  Frans Horjus  Franzius  Freddy  Fri  Fridthjof  Friedrich  Friesland  Frigg  Fritiden  Fulvia af Anholt  FZ110 Fortuna  Gaia  Galatea von Buxtehude  Galene  Gefion  Gefion  General Zaruski  Glauke  Godnok  Gouwzee  Gratia  Gratitude  Greif von Ueckermünde  Grethe Witting  Grønne Erna E117  Gunhild af Lidingö  Hanne-Marie  Hansine  Hardiesse  Hartlepool Renaissance  Havet  Havgassen  Havnoy  Hawaiian Chieftain  Hawila  Hedi HF482  Heinrich  Henny  Herborg  Hiorten  Hjalm  Hoop doet Leven  Hoppet Saltvik  Horizon  Hvitfeldt  Ideaal  Ilen  Ingorata  Irene  Iris  Isamar  Iselmar  Isis  Isobel Rose  Jane  Jane  Jane II  Jenny Kruse  Jens Krogh  Jens-Kristian  Jeppe van Schier  Jim Morgan  Johanna  Johanna Engelina  Johanne  Jonas von Friedrichstadt  Josina Elisabeth  Jota  Juliana  Jylland  Kaat Mossel  Kajsamoor  Kaper  Kathrin  Keewaydin  Kenya Jacaranda  Kivioq  Klaus Störtebecker III  Klipper Anna  Königin Wilhelmina  Korevaer  L' Émigrant  La Nébuleuse  La Reine des Flots  Landrath Küster HF 231  Leader  Lene  Liv  Lotos  Lova  Lovis  Loyal  Lutgerdina  Lytse Hylke  Maagen  Manna  Marabu  Marco Polo  Margaretha BÜS39  Margot  Maria af von Hoff  Maria-Dorothea  Marie  Martroger III  Maybe  Melpomene  Meridiaan  Moewe  Mohawk II  Mon Désir  Morgatois CM231625  Morning Star  Möwe  Mutin  Myra  Nanny  Nele  Nell Britt  Ninive  Nirwana  Nonsuch  Noord Friesland  Noordvaarder  Nordlys  Nordstern  Nordstjernen  Nordwind Y834  Norem  Nortun AE87  Notre Dame des Flots  Notre-Dame de Rumengol  Olander  Olga  Oline  Onrust  Ortolan  Our Boy  Palnatoke  Panta Rhei  Passaat  Patria  Pegasus  Pelikaan  Petania  Petrel  Petrine  Pilgrim of Brixham BM45  Pioneer CK18  Pirola  Platessa  Poolster  Popoff  Poseidon  Präsident Freiherr von Maltzahn  Pride of Mother Sea  Prolific  Providence  Provident  Providentia HF42  Queen Galadriel  Rakel  Rea-Klif  Riande  Ricktor  Rikke  Rode Swan  Rollo  Rum-Hart  Ruth  Ryvar  Sabia  Saeftinghe  Sæløer  Safier  Sajama  Saltillo  Samenwerking  Sampo  Sandefjord  Santa Mishell  Sarpen  Sav Heol BR267625  Seestern  Seute Deern II  Shamrock  Sigandor  Silvermoon  Sir William Archibald  Sirius  Skeaf  Skibet  Skibladner II  Skylge  Sleipner  Sørlandet II  Speranza  Spökenkieker  Star of Hope  Stjernen RU101  Strijd  Sturmvogel  Sturmvogel  Styrvolt  Sunbeam  Suydersee  Svanhild  Svartlöga  Swantje  Tangaroa  Tangaroa  Tante Fine  Tecla  Thordis  Tijdgeest  Tjur  Toftevaag  Tolly  Tove  Uns Hedwig  Urania  Utopia  Valborg  Valkyrien  Vegesack BV2  Verandering  Vertrouwen  Vestby  Victoria  Victoria-S  Vieux Copain  Vigilance of Brixham  Viktoria  Vivan  Vliegende Draeck  W. Klitgaard  Wappen von Ueckermünde  Westvind af Göteborg  Widder  Wiebke Bohlen  Wiking  Wilhelmina  Wilhelmine  Windsbraut  Wyvern  Wyvern af Aalesund  Yukon  Zeemeeuw  Zeester  Zenobe Gramme  Zuid-Holland  Zwadde  Zwarte Valk

 Absalon  Adelante  Adriane  Aeolus  Agnes  Alberta CK318  Alexander T  Aliado  Alliance  Alte Liebe  Alvina  Amelie Rose  Amore Vici  Amrit af Præstø  Ana  Anemor  Anita  Anna  Anna  Anna af Sand  Anna von Brunsbüttel  Anna von der Lühe  Annabel J  Anne Mari  Anthea  Antica  Apolonia  Aragorn  Arvon  Auriga  Aurora von Altona  Ausquémé  Avontuur  Babar  Baldur  Baltic Star  Belote et Re  Bételgeuse  Betty  Betty CK145  Biber 3  Billie Charlotte  Bolette  Bona LO178  Bonte Piet  Bornrif  Brandaen  Broagerland  Brødrene af Sand  Canta Libre  Cap Sizun  Cariad  Charlotte  Charlotte af Ballen  Chloe May  Christel  Colina  Connie  Coppelia  Corbeau des Mers AY1684  Courrier des Iles  Crangon  D' Olly  Dagmar Aaen  Dalh Mad BR787018  Dana  De Hoge Wier  Dehel  Delphin  Die Freundschaft  Die Zwillinge  Donar  Dora av Raa  Dourduff  Edith Gray  Egberdina  Ejno  Eka II  Elbe  Elfrida  Elfriede  Elisabeth van Emerik  Elise  Ella  Ellen  Ellen CK222  Else af Sletten  Emanuel  Emanuel af Nakskov  Emeline F14  Enez Koalen  Ernestine  Eve of St Mawes  Ezra  Fahrewohl von Büsum S.H.5342  Fair Dawn  Fauna  Feu Follet  Fiasko  Fleur de Mai  Flierefluiter  Flotte Lotte  Fly MN17  Foftein  Forelle von Kollmar  Frederike von Altona  Freja  Freja  Freya von den sieben Inseln  Frieda  Frieda von Hadersleben  Friends Good Will  Frillen  Fritz Lexow  Gasen  Gefion  Général Leclerc BR6768  Girl Joyce H11  Gjöa  Golden Vanity  Good Intent II  Good Intent LO136  Goxsheim  Gracie CK46  Graf Luckner  Gratitude  Greta  Greta HF452  Grete Fri28  Gretel  Grimsø  Grönland  Hanna  Hanne Munk  Hans von Wilster  Harald  Harm  Harriet Blanche CK9  Hedwig Maria  Helene  Helgoland  Hendrika  Henriette  Hermine  Hesper  Hoffnung  Homo Faber  Hoppet av Brantevik  Immaculée Conception BR267542  Indomptable AY267507  Ingrid  Iris Mary CK105  Irme  Jana  Jean Moulin AU2022  Jensine  Jeune Ariane  Johanna Maria  Johanna von Amrum  Jolie Brise  Jumfrun  Kaperen  Karen  Katrine  Kenilu  Kirstine  Klitta  Kong Bele  Koralle  Korsar  Kräfta  Krog e Barz  Kurun  La Belle-Îloise BI634  La Boheme AB-A140  La Louisette AU162605  La Mouette BR6104  La Valbelle BR156970  Lady-Maud  L'Angélus CM267549  Langesund  Lassie of Chester  Lauwerszee  Le Jouet des Flots  Le Renard  Le Rigel  LE196 Grote Jager  Leier Eussa  Leila  Les Trois Frères  L'Espérance  Lille Bjørn  Lisa  Lizzie Annie MN23  Lizzie May  Lola of Skagen  Lone  Louise  Luise  Lynert  Maja  Marche-Avec CC1645  Marcus Noer  Marguerite T  Marian  Marie  Marie  Marie-Claude PSM1  Marieto  Marigold MN119  Martha HF427  Martine BR267931  Mary Amelia MN59  Mary CK252  Mathilde  Mavrodaphne C88  Maxima  Maya  Mayfly CK363  Mejsen  Mildred  Minna Roeder  Mjølner  Moonbeam  Mor Danmark  Morwenna  Mytilus  Najade  Nellie & Leslie BN27  Nicolaas Mulerius  Nobile  Nordlys  October  Olav Trygvason  Olga von Skagen  Olifant  Oliver  Oll Karl  Omi Alma  Onderneming  Our Boys CK92  Panele  Paul-Henrik  Pauline  Peggy  Peggy H  Pen Duick  Penguin  Penguin Cafe  Peter von Danzig II  Primrose CK273  Providence  Rabe  Raptus  Reder Mor  Regina  Reine de la Mer  Renate  Rid  Rigmor  Ringholm  Risico  Ronja  Rosinante  Runbjarn  Ruth  Saint Michel II  Sainte-Jeanne  Samhald  Sant Sten AY244013  Sassaroz VA272937  Sawa  Saxonia LO32  Seagull  Seewolf  Seiz Avel  Sionnachan  Skjold  Skua  Smørrebrødt  Solglimt  Solvang  Søstjernen  Stella  Stella Maris  Suleyken  Sunbeam CK328  Svalen H226  Svea  Symbiose  Tejsten  Theepot  Thetis von Laboe  Thor  Thor  Tigaiga  Timpe Te  To Svaner  Tora II  Tordalk  Tout va Bien AY181534  Treas 267522MX  Unity of Lynn  Ursus  Utopia  Vaar  Vadder Gerrit II  Valkyrien  Valkyrien  Vega  Vera af Fåborg  Verandering  Vertrouwen  Viggoline  Viking  Viking  Vineta  Vivika  Vriendentrouw  Walvis  Westenwind  William MN15  Yseult PSM2

 Abbi  Aenna te Gondern  Akka  Al Adida  Albatros  Amzer'zo  Anabel  Angela von Barssel  Anna af Westerbroek  Ar Jentilez PL92  Ardwina  Arved  Askania  Balder  Balu  Barnabas SS634  Barr Awel LA92  Beeke Sellmer  Belle de Vilaine  Betula  Bialy Kon  Blume  Boa Esperança  Bollevaer  Bonawentura  Bonsai  Boreas  Brave Hendrik  Carl Fischer  Centaur  Christian Müther  Condor  Confiance  Corentin  Courier  Crialeïs  De Albertha  De Drie Gebroeders  De Goede Verwachting  De Liefde  De Lütte Ole  De Steenbok VB117  De To Søstre  Den Ruyghenhil  Die Seven Seelanden  Donkey  Doris von Ochtum  Dr. Bellmer III  Dziki Kon  Ebenhaezer  Edme  Edwin Fox  El Galeón  Enez Glaz GVD65654  Engelina  Enhjørningen  Erik Styrimathr  Erna  Etta von Blankenese  Eulalie  Fée de l'Aulne  Fortuna  Freja Byrding  Froule Cornelia  Gesine von Papenburg  Gladys  Gloria  Golden Hinde  Grayhound  Guide Me  Guiding Star  Hanse-Kogge  Helene  Het Leven  Hilding  HMS Surprise  Hoop op Welvaart  Hoop op Zegen  Isabella  James Caird II  Jankea  Jasmin  Jean et Jeanne  Johanna von Oevelgönne  Joli Vent  Jonge Jan  Joséphine D21  Kamper Hanze Kogge  Karoline of Kirkwall  Kid  Kleiner Kerl  Knipdul  Korriganez  Kramputz  Kronprinzessin Ute  Kurt Hahn  La Barbinasse GV13569  La Belle Angèle  La Bohème  La Cancalaise  La Granvillaise  La Pauline de Dahouët SB737  La Vaudoise  Labor Sanitas  Lady Daphne  Larus  L'Aurore VS10  Le Grand Léjon  Le Korrigan LO117536  Lea  Leenan Head  Les Trois Frères  Lifjorden  Lille Nor  Lioness  Lisa von Lübeck  Lotus  Louisenlund II  Lütt Deern  Ma Préférée  Mab er Guip  Marie-Claudine  Marie-Fernand  Mari-Lizig 1678BR  Marinus  Marjorie  Mercurius  Merlin  Mette Marie  Mim  Muller  Neerlandia  Niña  Norda  Norden  Notre Dame de Bequerel  Novel  Ocean Pride PZ134  Oderik von Oederquart  Okseø  Onkel Ernst  Oster  Ottar Als  Our Daddy  Overwinning  Peel Castle PZ17  Pelican of London  Pelikaan  Perun  Peter Most  Plune  Pudge  Ragna  Rarotonga  Reliance FY59  Repertor  Ripple SS19  Rival  Robinson  Roland von Bremen  Rose of Argyll  Rotter de Vries  Schildkröte  Schloss Plön  Scyld  Sebbe Als  Shtandart  Sigyn  Skidbladnir  Skuld  Søvang SB1  Spes Mea  Spiekeroog II  Strand-Hugg  Sviatitel Nikolai  Sviatitel Petr  Swatte Boot  Telenn Mor  Teuntje  Thærie Wiigen  Tita  Tuula  Twee Gezusters  Twekamp af Elbogen  Ubena von Bremen  Ucra  Uns Ewer  Veracity  Voorwaarts  Vrouw Trijntje  Vrouwe Fortuna  Vrouwe Maatje  Wappen von Ihlow  Weer en Wind  Wissemara  Witte Swaen  Witte Walrus  Woeste Willem  Wylde Wytse  Wyvenhoe  Xylonite  Ysabel  Zeehond  Zeeroos  Zuiderzee

Types of rigging

Sailing ships are differentiated by the arrangement of their masts and their equipment with sails. The rigging is important for the assignment to a ship type. For assigning to a ship type, other characteristics of the ship are taken into account too, mainly the shape of the hull, which in turn determines the purposes and possible sailing areas and is often related to the regional shipbuilding tradition in the respective construction period.

The sails have different shapes and different methods are used to attach them to the masts of a sailing ship.

A so-called square sail is a rectengular sail that is attached at the top of a yard. The yard is a pole made of wood or metal that carries the square sail. It is attached on the mast that both ends protrude beyond the mast. The attachment of the yard to the mast is movable so that the position of the sails to the wind can be changed. Square rigged sailing ships are large sailing ships, such as fully-rigged ships, brigs or barques, where the yards and thus the sails are perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Sails set along the line of the keel are called fore-and-aft sails. This position of the sails has advantages when sailing against the wind and wind from the side. Fore-and-aft sails are, at least with smaller sail areas, easier to handle from the deck of the sailing ship.

Square fore-and-aft sails that are attached to a gaff at the top and often a boom at the bottom are called gaff sails. The so-called gaff is a pole that holds the gaff sail and is slidable, but with one end directly attached on the mast, while the other end protrudes freely and diagonally upwards. It is the distinguishing feature of the gaff rigging. The lower edge of the gaff sail is often attached to another pole called a boom.

If the main sails of a sailing ship are triangular and they are set directly between a mast at the front and a boom at the bottom, one speaks of a Bermuda rigging. Sails of this type are on the one hand easier to use and on the other hand offer comparatively better sailing characteristics.

What is a fully-rigged ship?

Sail configuration fully-rigged shipA fully-rigged ship is a sailing ship with at least 3 masts, of which all are fully equipped with square sails. The number of yards or square sails per mast is different. The mast furthest back, the so-called mizzen mast, has a gaff sail too. Between all masts of the fully-rigged ship and between the foremost mast and the jib boom, jib sails are set. The type of rigging and the number of sails to handle require a large and well-trained crew. Fully-rigged ships are still used today mainly as sail training ships. The only remaining 4-masted fully-rigged ship is the permanently moored museum ship  Falls of Clyde. The only 5-masted fully-rigged ship in this data collection is the cruise ship  Royal Clipper.

What is a brig?

Sail configuration brigA brig is a sailing ship with 2 masts of the same height, of which all are fully equipped with square sails. The number of yards or square sails per mast is different. The mast furthest back has a fore-and-aft sail too, the so-called brig sail. Between the two masts of a brig and between the front mast and the jib boom, jib sails are set. To sail a brig you need a smaller crew than for a fullly-rigged ship and the brig is more manoeuvrable due to its smaller size. Sailing ships rigged as brig are nowadays mainly used in clubs for ambitious sailing designed to develop good seamanship.

What is a bark?

Sail configuration barkA bark is a sailing ship with at least 3 masts, in which the front masts are equipped with square sails and the one furthest to the stern carries fore-and-aft sails only. The number of yards or square sails per mast is different. Fore-and-aft sails are set between the masts of a bark and between the front mast and the jib boom. A bark requires a large crew to operate the sails too, although the crew can be somewhat smaller compared to a fully-rigged ship. Today barks are mainly used as sail training ships or they are permanently moored museum ships.

What is a schooner bark or barkentine?

Sail configuration barkentineA schooner bark is a sailing ship with at least 3 masts. The foremost mast of the schooner bark is completely rigged with square sails. All other masts are equipped with fore-and-aft sails, mostly with gaff sails. Another name for this type of rig is barkentine, A barkentine originally had a square sail on the main mast, the second mast from the front. Fore-and-aft sails are set between the front mast and the main mast and towards the jib boom. Most of todays schooner barks in service have 3 masts, a few have 4 masts. They are mainly used as charter and cruise ships for vacation and leisure.

What is a schooner brig or brigantine?

Sail configuration brigantineA brigantine is a sailing ship with 2 masts of the same height. The front mast is completely rigged with square sails. The rear mast carries fore-and-aft sails. Between the masts and towards the jib boom more jib sails are set. This hybrid form of a brig and a schooner can make good use of different wind situations and sailing ships with this rigging are very maneuverable with a relatively low number of crew due to their size.

What is a schooner?

Sail configuration schoonerA schooner is a sailing ship with at least 2 masts of the same height or the rear mast a little higher. All masts carry fore-and-aft sails only, gaff sail in case of a gaff schooner. All sails can be operated from the deck of the sailing ship, whats allows a lower crew. Originally schooners only had 2 masts. Later schooners with 3 or more masts were also built. The rigging of a schooner is still very common today, including for classic yachts.

What is a topsail schooner?

Sail configuration topsail schoonerA topsail schooner is a schooner that has square sails attached to one or more masts above the main sails. If necessary, these sails offer the possibility of better exploiting the wind from behind.

What is a staysail schooner?

Sail configuration staysail schoonerA staysail schooner is a schooner that has triangular main sails, the so-called staysails. These sails are not attached to a gaff or yard, but instead are guided between the masts along of ropes, which at the same time ensure that the masts are stable.

What is a ketch?

Sail configuration ketchA ketch is a sailing ship with 2 masts with the rear mast being significantly lower than the front one. The mizzen mast is in front of the ship's rudder axis. Fore-and-aft sails, mostly as gaff sails, are carried on both masts. Rigging as a ketch is still very common today, both for traditional sailing ships as well as in modern yacht building.

What is a yawl?

Sail configuration yawlA yawl is a sailing ship with 2 masts with the rear mast being significantly lower and its location behind the rudder axis very far aft on the deck. On both masts fore-and-aft sails are carried, which are mainly designed as Bermuda rigging. The rigging as a yawl is mainly used for newer yachts today.

What is a cutter?

Sail configuration cutterA sailing ship rigged as a cutter has 1 mast, on which for-and-aft sails sails are attached only. The main sail can be a Bermuda sail or a gaff sail. Sailing ships rigged as a cutter are characterized by high maneuverability, low construction costs for the ships and the operation with a small crew, which led to the popularity of the rigging type for traditional sailing ships and classic yachts as well as in today's yacht building.

What is a sloop?

Sail configuration sloopA sailing ship rigged as a sloop has 1 mast on which 2 fore-and-aft sails are attached only. Mostly the Bermuda rigging or a very high-angle gaff sail is used as main sail. The sloop has only one foresail that is attached to the bow without a jib boom or bowsprit. The sloop rigging is very simple and common for small sailing boats or modern yachts.